Well that went fast! Year 1 in Review

Happy New Year, everyone!
It’s exactly one year ago today that we sailed through Sydney heads to start our voyage.
Bye, Sydney!
So it’s a natural time to reflect on our experience so far, what we’ve learned, and what we think the next year is going to bring.
Over on our gallery page and Facebook, we’ve pulled together 52 pictures from the first 52 weeks, since we all know that a picture tells a thousand words.
And I have a separate blog post coming up tomorrow with some of the key numbers and statistics of year one.
But while the pictures definitely bring to life many of the highlights, and numbers will satisfy your inner nerd, they can’t convey what we’ve been thinking and feeling along the way.
So we’ve pulled together our top 10 recurring thoughts from the year - in no particular order, these are the things we keep thinking about…
We figured sailing around the world would involve more, well, how shall I put this... sailing!
There’s just one part of work that I really miss…and it’s really important to me.
First world problems are more of a problem than we expected.
We’ve found the perfect place to live.
Our boat is too big
The best part of our trip so far has turned out to be… you!
I’ll be rolling out a separate blog post for each one over the course of the next two weeks, and later today, Jen will also be sharing a pretty awesome video she’s been working on.
In the meantime, thanks for following along over the last year – you’ve no idea how much it means when we hear from you, either directly or in comments on our various posts and blogs.
It’s been a fantastic 12 months, albeit with some ups and downs (so no different from shore-based life in that respect, I guess).
Looking forward to all that the next 12 has to offer.