Sailing Steel Sapphire

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So Frustrating!

Day 20 : Ascension to Azores

Wednesday April 6th 2022

We’re sailing along nicely then bam! A squall drops in. A mad rush to reef, bear away, move the car, check and re-check the impact of reef and bear away for the wind strength. And then decide to reef some more as the wind continues to climb.

Thirty minutes later and Steely is now wallowing in the squall’s wake. But I feel reluctant to shake out the reef that I fought the squall to put in. So we wallow for longer than necessary, checking and re-checking the wind strength and stability and that the squall really has passed by.

Ok, it’s gone. Scan the horizon for any new squalls, seems clear. Reset back to the reef position, the angle and the car position for the forecasted weather.

Only to do it all over again, and again. The North Atlantic is hardcore. Watches are now about anticipating unpredictable squalls. Sometimes getting it right and having the boat prepped and ready, and other times fighting the wind to bring Steely under control. It’s not scary, or hard really, it’s frustrating. I am tired after 20 days of passage making and 4 hours on, 4 hours off.

Bring back the South Atlantic and its steady trade wind weather. I wouldn’t even mind dead downwind sailing and Pete’s never-ending search for the perfect downwind sail combination!


Day 20 Statistics:

Time on passage so far: 19 days, 21 hours
Distance covered in last 24 hours: 142 nm
Average Speed in last 24 hours: 5.9 knots

Official Length of intended Route when we set out: 3,480 nm
Current Projected Distance to Go according to chart plotter: 1,289 nm
Distance Sailed so Far: 2,336 nm
Total Projected Distance of Route: (2,336 + 1,289) 3,625 nm
Change in total projected distance in last 24 hours: +2 miles

Total number of times we thought “Hallelujah, thank god that’s over” as we were finally able to ease the sheets and move onto a beam reach for a few days, after 10 days non stop beating : 23

Total number of times we then said “Ah, shit, be careful what you wish for”, as we realised that we now have beam seas which are rolling us and throwing huge quantities of water at violently at the cockpit: Also 23